We are passionate about our school and have worked hard creating a unique curriculum best suited to the children and families within our school. The National Curriculum core Subjects include English, Mathematics, Science and Information & Communications Technology (ICT. These core subjects are supported by a range of foundation subjects such as: History, Geography, Design and Technology, Arts & Music, Personal, Social, Health & Economic (PSHE), Religious Education (RE), Physical Education (PE) and Modern Foreign Language (MFL)
Our children take part and experience a range of physical activity including gymnastics, dance, health and wellbeing, athletics, team games, striking and fielding and outdoor activities, in order to develop good body co-ordination and control. We endeavour to give each child enjoyment and satisfaction from physical activity and to foster the development of positive sporting attitudes. We encourage and ensure that throughout your child’s time at school they will have the opportunity to represent Burscough Bridge Methodist school. There are a number of extra-curricular activities using our own staff and coaches from West Lancashire School Sports partnership. All pupils also have the opportunity to complete Bikeability – Cycling Proficiency sessions in Year 5 and Year 6. In Year 3 and Year 4 Scootability – road safety using scooters and Balance-bike sessions in the Reception class. Children begin swimming sessions in Year 3 and continue until Year 6.
As a Methodist School, a prominent aspect of our RE teaching will be focused on our Methodist heritage. To enhance the teaching of Religious Education the children also take part in focus weeks throughout the school year. We follow the Lancashire R.E syllabus. Children focus on Christianity and also study aspects of other faiths. Our children learn from and reflect upon their own experiences and those of others. They are encouraged to think about aspects of their own lives, which are important to them and begin to consider some ‘big’ questions. To further develop, children visit places of religious worship including our Methodist Church and the local Church of England. We also welcome visitors from different faiths into school to enhance the children’s learning.
Religious Education and collective worship are a statutory part of the curriculum. Parents do have the right to withdraw their children from these, in consultation with the Head teacher.
At Burscough Bridge Methodist School we feel it is extremely important to make music an enjoyable learning experience. We encourage children to participate in a variety of musical experiences through which we aim to build up the confidence of all children and enable each child to grow musically at their own level and pace. We have a very active school choir who regularly visit areas in the community. Our KS2 children recently performed in the Peace Proms at the M&S Arena in Liverpool with 2500 children, singing with a live orchestra and having the experience of being able to respond to a conductor.
All children are encouraged to develop their artistic creativity while learning new skills, often within the context of other areas of the curriculum. We believe that art should engage, inspire and challenge pupils, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art, craft and design. All children are given the opportunity, at their own level, to evaluate their own work and see their art work and work of peers on display. Our school runs a regular craft club.
KS1 Art and Design Curriculum Overview
KS2 Art and Design Curriculum Overview
History should stimulate the children’s interest, curiosity and understanding about the past. Through the curriculum, pupils will gain a knowledge and understanding of Britain’s past and that of the wider world. They learn about significant people, events and places from both the recent and more distant past. Children have the opportunity to ask questions and research answers for themselves. During the early years the children are introduced to the recent past, relating to the lifestyles of parents and grandparents in the local area. Our curriculum is enhanced with local historian visits and children are involved with the local historian society.
History Policy
We provide our pupils with the opportunity and means to explore, appreciate and understand the world we live in and how it has evolved. Geography can encourage pupils to think about their own place in the world, their values and their responsibilities to other people and to the Earth. It can be used very effectively to enhance many other areas of the curriculum including English, Computing and History. We feel very strongly that our children appreciate the world that they live in and therefore our curriculum includes caring for our planet and local community. Children and staff work with local community groups and learn about current issues- recycling, climate change and sustainability.
Geography Policy
We employ a specialist language teacher – Señora Culshaw who teaches our KS2 children on a weekly basis. Children enjoy taking an active part in language lessons and spend much of their time in Spanish lessons speaking, listening and interacting. They take part in role-plays, conversations and question and answer work, sing songs and play games, take turns and experiment creatively with language.
Through Design Technology, we encourage our children to be inventive. The children have opportunities to design, make and modify products and are encouraged to discuss and analyse their work. To justify their ideas, materials and techniques they have used and to propose modifications and improvements. During Design Technology lessons, we actively promote a healthy attitude to safety through teaching correct procedures when using tools and equipment.
PSHE underpins everything we do at Burscough Bridge Methodist Primary School. Personal, Social, Health Education (PSHE) enables our children to become healthy, independent and responsible members of society. We encourage our children to play a positive role in contributing to the life of the school and the wider community. We do this through our school ethos, circle time, assemblies, school councils and our lessons which are timetabled across the whole school on a weekly basis.