Our Curriculum

Intent - Our Curriculum is built and designed to enable our children to “Let Their Light Shine”Our aim is to develop: -
-  Successful pupils who enjoy learning; make good progress and be the best they can be
-  Confident – children who are confident in the decisions they make and who are knowledgeable to live a healthy (both physical & mentally), happy, fulfilling and safe life.
-  Responsible members of the community, who can make a positive contribution to all areas of society and become lifelong learners.
Our curriculum is broad, balanced and ambitious allowing children to develop a range of life skills and prepare them for life beyond primary school. We promote positive attitudes in order that children learn how to make the right choices and decisions, equipping them with the skills and knowledge to become adults of the future who can make a positive change.  Our Methodist school recognises the uniqueness of every individual, each child is at the heart of all we do and we place a great emphasis on educating the whole child. We strive to provide our children with a range of experiences both within and beyond their community. Putting our children at the heart of their learning adventure, so that they make progress and experience life in all its fullness. We take great pride in being part of their journey. 


Reception is located in Class 1 in the original building, this is a self contained area with its own indoor and outdoor classroom, play area and toilet facilities.   Click here to download the subjects overview and planned work for this term.

Creating young people not just academic min​ds

National Curriculum

The National Curriculum combines core & foundation subjects providing children with a solid academic foundation on which they can build on throughout life.


Life skills

Empowering our children with a strong foundation of transferable skills which will give them the confidence to face our competitive modern world.


Personal & Social Development

A well rounded education is not just about words and numbers it is about developing each individual person, giving them the confidence and encouragement to grow and achieve their goals in life.


Our Values

Our Christian values where chosen by our Children.  We nuture their understand and respect them.

Our value:


 Hope [verb]   
1.​  [intransitive, transitive] to want something to happen and think that it is possible  

W​hat the Bible says:

" For in this hope we were saved. Now hope that is seen is not hope. For who hopes for what he sees?"

Romans 8:24 

W​hat our children say:

I think hope is when you wish for something to go a certain way, and sometimes you have to wait for a long time.”

Class 2