Our approach to learning

"The Methodist approach to education has always been about the development of the whole person - not just reading, writing and arithmetic. We believe that all human beings are made in the image of God and our schools have a strong commitment to creating an ethos in which every person is valued. They seek to fully address children's spiritual, moral, social and cultural needs."  John Barrett, Chair of the Education Commission.

 A well rounded education is not just about words and numbers it is about developing each individual person, giving them the confidence and encouragement to grow and achieve their goals in life. It’s about promoting a healthy lifestyle and ensuring any life forming habits are positive ones resulting in children who will be:

Fulfilled from learning and achieving
Confident with a positive self awareness
Self assured self image
Happy with secure morals
Make healthy life style choices
Safe and able to manage risk
Able to deal with emotions
Cheerful in their out look
Prepared for economic well-being

Empowering our children with strong transferable skills which will give them the confidence to face our competitive modern world.

Life Skills

 To be kind and caring
• The ability to work and play with others
• The ability and confidence to work alone
• To develop an awareness, understanding and acceptance of the beliefs, feelings customs and practices of others
• To develop the confidence to lead others making informed decisions and choices
• To become inquisitive, determined and able to work independently through self-motivation
• The ability to problem solve and prioritise
• To be creative through music, art, design,
construction, gymnastics and dance
• To persevere in the face of adversity