School Admissions

You're invited to visit our school at your convenience. At Burscough Bridge Methodist School, every day is an open day, offering a real-life experience of our vibrant school life where our children "let their light shine."  Starting school is an exciting adventure. We provide tips on the admissions process and the initial weeks. Children typically begin school when they turn five, and applications are submitted in January.  When applying, you'll choose three schools in order of preference and can add comments to support your choices. School placements are usually confirmed in April.

We'll provide comprehensive details about our Link sessions and parents' meetings in the summer term. These sessions cover essential information such as uniforms, lunch menus, and more to prepare you for September. Link sessions also give your child a chance to meet their teacher and make new friends. We're excited to welcome you to our School Family.


School Application

All applications are done electronically on the Lancashire County Council website.  The application deadline for next years school intake is January and places will be announced  in April.  Please click the link for the exact dates and application details.  

Our value:


love [noun] 
liking and caring.   1. A very strong feeling of liking and caring for somebody/something, especially a member of your family or a friend.  

'Love, Love is patient and kind...Love never gives up' 
 1 Corinthians 13:4

W​hat our children say:

"Love is when your puppy licks your face even after you left him alone all day."

Class 1