Christian Distinctiveness

Our pupils staff and governors have all been involved in developing our Christian Values: Love, Trust, Perseverance, Hope, Forgiveness & Respect.  It is these values that form the foundations at Burscough Bridge Methodist school and underpin everything we do.

We also celebrate all the major Christian festivals throughout the year. Parents are often invited to join us, either at school with our local Methodist minister or at our Church. These include the Christmas, Easter and Harvest services.

Our Values

Class Prayer

Thankyou for each happy day, for fun, for friends, and work & play.  Thankyou for your loving care here at school and everywhere.

Collective Worship

  Collective worship is a special time where the whole school comes together during the assembly.  We make no assumption that all have the same beliefs and values. This special time gives us the opportunity to discuss, experience reflect and celebrate:  


Express praise and give thanks to God


Affirm Christian values and attitudes


Be still and reflect


Share each other’s joys and challenges


Explore the big questions of life and respond to national events


Reflect on the teachings of Christ through Biblical text


Celebrate special times in the Christian calendar


Engage in an act of community


Experience and respond to Methodist & Anglican traditions and practices


Foster respect and deepen spiritual awareness

For us, worship is the ‘heartbeat’ of the school day. It is a time when all can come together to be still and find quietness to reflect on our own spirituality, values and place in the world.

Our value:


  Trust [noun] 
1.​  [uncountable] the belief that somebody/something is good, sincere, honest, etc. and will not try to harm or trick you.

When I am afraid, I put my trust in you. In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust; I shall not be afraid. What can flesh do to me? 
Psalm 56:3-4                      

W​hat our children say:

" It is the feeling of being sure about something, even if it can not be proved."

Class 3