School Diary

With so much going on, we have consolidated it all here, if you need any more information please get in touch.

PE Days

On PE days please can you make sure your child comes to school in their PE kit a white T-shirt, black or navy shorts, school sweatshirts, trainers and dark coloured joggers. 
If your child has their ears pierced can you please ensure they do not wear earrings on PE day or if necessary they are covered with plasters. 

Term Dates

Click here to download the latest dates for school holidays

Our value:


Forgiveness  [noun] 
1.  The act of forgiving somebody; the quality of being willing to forgive somebody.

Forgiveness 'Be kind & compassionate to one another, forgiving each other'
Ephesians 4:32

W​hat our children say:

"Forgiveness is to accept someones appology, even if they have really upset you."

Class 2